Mathematics Kits


MY STEM LAB provides comprehensive coverage of K-10 mathematics activity kits aligned to the present curriculum, which makes integration of activities within the routine teaching & learning process as well as studying math online easy.  Best-in-class math lab instruments along with activities to help students explore and enjoy mathematics.  Helps to visualize the problems and think about all possible solutions rather than depend on memory

Learn 1


“Educate to Innovate” – Our Program helps to LEARN and unveil the concepts of Science and their application in daily life in an interesting and innovative manner.

Play 1


“Blending learning with PLAYtime” – The kits are conceptualized & designed as fun-filled activities. The child learns the concept easily while having a hands-on experience.



“Encouraging young minds”- Enabling the next generation of innovators and enhancing their skills like creativity, critical thinking & problem-solving.


Grade V

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